Friday, May 20, 2011

It's the End of the World as we know it.....

Do you let your kid buy stuff from the ice cream man when he drives by with his tinkly noisy little annoying truck? (always right before dinner too, real nice.) because I don't. I do not care if my kids hate me for their entire lives. It gives me the creeps. Maybe I just watch too many cop shows but the ice cream man always ends up being a)the guy who is casing your house to rob it or b) the sex offender who snatches up the kid drives off and either one is never seen again. Nope. Sorry.  I'd rather run to Pick n Save and let them pick out whatever ice cream treat they want that way.
             It was a gorgeous day  today! We finally got our garden planted- now the tricky part is keeping our kids and the neighbor kids out of it. I cannot wait to make our own crunchy dill pickles again, and the kids LOVE eating peapods and green beans with ranch dip. We planted a lot more tomatoes this year, I really want to try making more of my own tomato sauce, salsa, etc. and we should have the first batch of rhubarb for making raspberry-rhubarb jam in the next few weeks. The kids have been waiting all week for it to get warm enough to plant, so they were excited to help. Holly planted sunflowers in her own pot. The boys helped dad with the vegetable seeds, and then Eric helped me plant some flowers and Alli's rosebush, so that kept us busy all afternoon, then we had a nice little brat cookout and a fire for awhile, relaxed a little in the back yard. (Well, it was relaxing until that ice cream man incident.grrr..) We put Alli in the stroller and parked her on the deck so she could get her nap in the fresh air, it was so cute I swear she was laying there listening to the birds chirping. It's like she has superhearing, she is so aware of everything. And when she wakes up she stretches her arms and legs out perfectly straight and makes little grunting noises. Oh yeah, and she has also decided her favorite "awake" time of the at 4 AM!? Really. My wonderful baby who sleeps so great also loves to wake up at 4 am and lay on the bed and stare at me for 2 hours.
            Adam and I hit up some rummage sales while the kids were in school this afternoon, didn't find much but we found a few misc. things and a bunch of clothes for the kids. I am trying to plan ahead that I want get enough stuff to "clothe" all of them through next winter- yikes.  I cannot believe they only have about 2 weeks of school left. Think Eric and Holly are feeling kindof left out because all the kids in both of their classes are having visits to their "new" schools next year, and since they are not going to KASD schools next year, it doesn't really apply to them.  I know Holly will love going to school with all her cousins and Daisy friends, and Eric does know a lot of kids already here, but it's kind of sad to be saying goodbye to all their Kaukauna friends and teachers. Eric has been in kaukauna schools since he was in 4K. I have been making that "drive" back and forth across town one direction or another several times a day for 6 years. Next year they will only be about 1/2 a mile from their schools. Can't complain about that, but it'll be sad to park by that water tower for the last time!              
           I got my first Big Fat Check for shopping on Ebates yesterday. Whoo-hoo lol. It was 11.00.  oh well money is money! In case you don't know what ebates is, go to You start at ebates and go shopping at other sites through there, and then they give you money back on your purchases. You get your money a few times a year in the form of a Big Fat Check (haha that's what they call it!) It's starting to be kindof a game with the kids - "oooo let's see what mom got free in the mail today". Yesterday we got a little cloth drawstring back for counting change from Coinstar. (those big green machines in walmart) oh yeah and some neato red rubber rainboots I ordered Jake for super cheap, and more free laundry soap samples... (those are awesome to save for when you oops run out of soap and dont wanna run to store 10 o clock at night to get some :) Haven't done much "deal-shopping" otherwise,  seems like all the grocery sales have been kind of "dudd-ish" for the last 2 weeks, and I just cannot make myself do a huge grocery shop when things are not on sale! Good thing tomorrow is saturday...taking 4 kids with me on double coupon day should just be loads of fun.
           Ah yes and tomorrow is the big day that's supposed to be the end of the world lol. Oh boy. well I'm sure we will all still be here in 48 hours so see you either on sunday morning or at the Pearly Gates :p

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