Sunday, May 8, 2011

In Celebration of Mother's Day....

Things I love about my kids/being a mom:

the sense of accomplishment that comes from multi-tasking Yeah, you can really blog, and eat  your dinner and yell at your other kids and do it with a baby on your boob at the same time.

the awesomest things ever that come home made especially for me in their backpacks. My favorites so far: Erics fill in the blank book he made in 4K that says "If I had a million dollars, I would buy my mom a bigger house". (haha, that was when we lived in our first house and holly had to sleep in the converted laundry room) and Holly's painted sand dollar and all the christmas ornaments with their faces on them.

That saying you have four kids sounds really impressive. Haha, when I took Holly with me to the doctor's office for Alli yesterday, we stopped at a rummage sale on the way home. "Oh, you have 2 girls", the lady said, "how cute".  And I said "yes, we left the boys at home today". 4 kids, she was impressed  and I was kindof proud of myself lol. Yeah, I can say I gave birth to four kids and survived! (Just for the record,  I don't think 4 is even a huge number. And so far, the baby has been way less work that the other three.)

I love that they are 4 totally different combinations of the two of us. I can look at Eric and pick out Adams restlessness when he wants to wander around the neighborhood on his bike, and sometimes when you tell him to do something and he gets this bullheaded attitude, I can tell exactly how he's thinking, it's like being in my own 10 year old head all over again thinking "Well, I'm gonna find a way to do that anyway".... Oooo and he's picky lol, definitely gets that from Adam. "Mom, I aint eatin that". Well kid,  if that's whats for dinner and I say you're eating it, you're cleaning your plate :p
I can look at Holly and she is so smart, she has my love of reading, loves like crazy to color and draw, and she is always willing to try new stuff, even if she is scared to do it at first.
Jake,  he is like a mini Adam clone. He can hear a freigh train coming from 5 miles away. He's been waiting all winter to get that green hornet boat out and go fishing. 99 percent of the time he is super good-natured, but when he gets stubborn, boy he is like a brick wall.
Mabel, well I don't know about her yet she's only a week old but she makes a pretty big stinky for such a little thing (haha, that's what she gets from adam) and I noticed yesterday she's got this tiny mark on her ear, it's such a little thing you wouldn't even notice, but she gets that from me :)

I love that even though it's crazy around here n rarely quiet, there is tons of comic relief moments every day
 Holly has been bringing home hilarious drawings for 5 months with a little bald baby named Alli colored on them, and I swear every day she would say "now there are going to be six people in our family".   Now she wants to go back and add brown hair to all her pics.

I love that Jake's teacher asked him if the new baby was here yet and he told her "Yes, her name is Mabel".  I don't think the teacher was very impressed at our name choice.

I love that Eric likes to borrow grandpa's cellphone when he goes over to their house, and he will call ten times from wherever he is, just to make calls. "Hey Mom, I'm riding my bike through the park. Do you want me to stop at the gas station and buy you a pack of gum for later?" because he talks like he's 45 years old.

That you can say "No" whenever you want to, even if it's just because you feel like it. HAHA, self-explanatory right? lol

I love it when you make something for dinner and they say "Mom, you're the best cook ever", whether it's lasagna or cheeseburger macaroni.

I love that they remember EVERYTHING. I am not kidding. My kids have the memory of elephants. Their favorite one by far "Hey Mom remember when the goat ate Jake's paper bag?"  I hope they remember it all when they are older.

I love that even when they "hate" you, they still love you :)  At least when they're little. In five years we are going to have one kid on the verge of driving, one girl on the verge of teenage pms years, one on the way to middle school, and one on the way to 4k. could get interesting around here....

Happy Mother's Day!

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