Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Whew a lot of people are talking about this new show on TLC about the extreme couponers. Im pretty sure if you looked at the rest of their lifes most of those people could flat out be called OCD cases and it would have nothing to do with coupons. I like a good deal as much as the next person, but 100 boxes of spaghetti? Really?!
           That being said, yeah, I do get excited and occassionally sing in the car on the way home when I find good deals, but maybe I just need a life lol. (PS- Pick n Save is having "10-double coupon saturdays for the whole month of April! what luck! )  I found this superneat website earlier tonight at, and I can't wait to try some of her suggestions, like making more of my own "pantry staples" at home (spaghetti sauce, syrup, salsa etc,)  We already do a lot of making our own pickles, jam and stuff in the summer, but I always wanted to try growing herbs too, and making our own seasonings. (I have been looking for a recipe for homemade taco seasoning for awhile if anyone has one? tried a few havent found one we like yet.)
Recently I also found this recipe that I guess the Duggars use and a lot of people swear by to make your own laundry detergent. this sounds pretty interesting, if anyone has tried it let me know!
          Today's lovely double coupon day I got 5 free lunchables at Pick n Save, the little make your own sub ones the kids like for their lunches (hurry if you want them- even without double coupons they are 10 for 10 and they have 1.00 off 2 coupons stuck on the fronts, which makes them 50 cents a piece. ), free oreos,  free Kraft Singles, and 3 boxes of Gogurt for 75cents each, and a bunch of stuff for our taco night, basically I saved 22.00 and spent 25 (as long as I save at least 50 perc. I usually consider this a good shopping trip.) and pretty much that is the only grocery shopping I have done for the week, besides my 5.00 trip to Target.
 oooo Target has Purex fabric softener Crystals (I LOVE these in the laundry! I could totally get high smelling this stuff LOL.) unadvertised ringing up at 2.99 this week, used a coupon off the target website and a printable one I found online and got it for 99 cents,  reg priced at about 4.99 :)
          Adam's been home a couple days extra this week, I have not been feeling well (I think he's afraid to leave, I feel like a water balloon ready to pop any second.) so he took some vacation days. Supposed to have a doctor's appt on monday but I am going to see if I can get in before that, because I REALLY feel awful, pretty sure I don't remember feeling this terrible with any of the other kids until right before they were born, and mabel is still technically 3 or so weeks out. I can't imagine her staying in there for 3 more weeks, or maybe I'm just "hoping" because my back is annoyingly painful and the Braxton Hicks contractions are unbelievable- I went to lunch with some friends this aft, and we were sitting at TGI Fridays and I got one so bad my eyes actually started watering , couldn't move couldn't breathe...Wow! I should probably get around to packing a hospital bag sometime soon....

here's a really fun and educational website that the kids like
and also this is supercool, an eagle's nest in Iowa they just hatched three babies this week. The kids love to watch the mama eagle feed her babies, we look at it every day.  if it doesn't work for some reason just google "Decorah Eagles". 

had jakes pt conference yesterday, he is doing great. he writes and colors everything green, so funny he's always been biased towards green stuff, since he was a baby he has LOVED frozen peas and green beans. I love his paper where he wrote "When I grow up I am going to eat Oreos all day long" :)

Eric got grounded this week for having attitude issues, so now he is stuck hanging around the house all week trying to earn his "theoretical" points back so he can go to gramma's with his cousins on saturday.

And Jake got grounded for a day (can't do much more than that, he's only 5.) because he's been flipping people the "birdie" finger and he flipped off the neighbor kid's DAD!? I was so embarrassed! Holly saw some other kid do this at school last week, came home and taught Jake to do it, now they keep doing it to each other when they think Im not looking. Sigh. It's always something.....

1 comment:

  1. My friend Brooke just made her first batch of detergent and said it turned out well. This is the recipe she used:
