Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mabel the night-owl?

What? why am I blogging at 2:30 am? Well I didn't sleep three nights in a row, slept 14 hours last night, and now I am insomniated with major heartburn...I think Mabel is going to be a nightowl, she doesn't move all day, and then starts tap-dancing when I wanna go to sleep. Blech, I do not function well on no sleep, so we'll see how this whole baby thing goes haha! Last year when I was working the night shift and not sleeping at ALL (think, work til 6 am, get up at 10:00am to retrieve kids from school,grammas, go back to work at 5:30pm....) I did not realize exactly HOW tired and exhausted I was until that year was up and I stopped working that job. A close friend actually said to me at one point "I'm really worried about you, because you definitely are not all there lately". I was just thinking about this today, because it was a busy day and I felt like I was stumbling through everything-literally. Dropping stuff, forgot my purse halfway to school had to go back, stubbed my lil old toe on the cart in Walmart and bled all over the paint department floor!? Or maybe just too much on my mind and so much for "taking it easy!"....No such thing. Too much to do and running out of time.
        We did get Mabel's room painted tonight in a remarkable 3 hours, with only minor touchups still needed. It is pink and brown, I looooove the way the colors turned out. She's spoiled already, in our first little house Holly had to sleep in the converted laundry room  and Jake had to sleep in the pack and play til he was 1 cuz we didn't have anywhere to put them lol. Tiny and crowded but we survived with fond memories...Eric was our little paint running errand boy, and poor Jake he wanted to paint sooooo bad. He stood in the doorway "You know Mom it would get done lots faster if you had THREE painters".... I told him he had to be 25 years old to paint :)
Well then on top of all this, landlord knocks on our door to babysit his dog for the night. He prolly thinks I'm wierd cuz right away I send eric running for sheets to cover up my furniture, but this is the first new furniture I have EVER had,  I'm a little overprotective of it. I prolly wont get new stuff for a long time, we are definitely use it up wear it out type of people. I do this with my shoes too, which is kindof bad. I am always the person who ends up walking out of somewhere with a broken flip flop.
Last week Adam yelled at me for the "state" of my purse (ahhhh crumbs they are contagious...) alright well I said I will go buy a new purse. HAHA  goodbuy faithful black purse that I paid 1.00 for at a rummage sale last summer...hello 3.00 brown purse small enough to fit in a diaper bag. It was rough, but it was time. Some of my "use it up, wear it out" must have worn off on him, cuz looking at some pics on fb the other day I noticed he is still wearing all the same tshirts and sweatshirts he had 10 years ago :)
          Finally sucked it up and bought a printer for the new computer today (okay, I had a coupon so what lol. It was 100.00 printer I got it for 30 bucks.) oh boyyyyyy Adam thought I had a lot of coupons BEFORE- those were only the ones I got out of magazines and the newspaper.  now that I can print off internet coupons I'm gonna recoup the cost of this lil old laptop in about two weeks heehee. I especially like the coupons on the Target website, because you can double up with "store" coupons and manufacterer coupons.  
           Tomorrow we have my nephews bday part at Chuckie Cheese, sunday nite a family birthday party for the 4 people who have birthdays sat sun mon tues, and next week Jake has an entire week of spring break and the other two have to go to school. You can bet he's gloating about that.  
            I know Holly is going to be pissed and cranky in the morning, because they all fell asleep in her room watching a movie while we painted, and poor old Reggie is just trying to snuggle in there with them and she woke up twice already freakin out. She's not going to be too happy in the morning when she sees he ate one of her My Little Ponies :p

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