Well Adam was home for 6 hours and now he's back to Michigan again... Oh well, he did manage to fix the garage door and put together the crib while he was here. The crib! Finally it came in, and it is exactly the perfect matching color of the bassinet I bought off craigslist last week. Afterward I kept going back in the room to look at it, it seems bizarre to have a crib in the house again. I should probably invest in a car seat soon and buy some bottles, running out of time, 9 weeks or less to go!
Yesterday I had a great visit in the afternoon with one of my best friends from high school, it was so much fun I swear we could have sat there and talked for hours. (Who else could you sit there with and "rip" on everyone you knew from way back when, and not feel guilty about it? LOL) It seems like just yesterday we were dumb girls riding around in an orange car listening to the Dixie Chicks and now in a matter of weeks we are going to have 7 kids between the two of us. Ahhhh, we're getting old way too fast! Some days you want your life to speed up so you can just get the day over with, and some days you just wish it would slow down. I really try to stick with the "day by day, one day at a time" motto, because I figure every night when you fall into bed, even if it's 1 am and you're completely exhausted, you made it through another day. Tomorrow you never know what's going to happen and who is going to be here. Personally, I fully intend to be one of those "Betty White" type 85 year old ladies, what have you got to lose? :) I heard a great quote today that was "You don't stop laughing because you get old, you get old because you stop laughing"......
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