Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Its really only tuesday?! :(

What a crappy miserable day, both literally and figuratively. Someone should invent a weather machine to "change" the atmosphere and reassure that there will be no snow after March 1st....
            Last night we took a ride to GB for a couple hours so the boys (big and little :) could check out some stuff at the hobby shop for their model train scenario they are plotting. It was kindof a fun afternoon, except for the fact that riding in the car is SO unbearable for me right now. I just cannot sit comfortable in any position for more than a few minutes, and my back hurts like crazy. We went out for supper and the kids got ice cream, and it was nice to avoid the "kitchen" mess. Then we came home and I set Eric right to work on his government project that was due, and the other kids did art projects on the floor.
  Well that's when the trouble started. Eric spent all day saturday with his uncle, and then two nights at grandma's and every single time he goes anywhere it seems like lately we have major behavior problems when he returns home.  I would really appreciate any suggestions or input, because I am at my wit's end with him, I don't know if it's just his age or what. We are talking complete all out, hysterically hissy fit, crying, slamming doors, throwing things, etc when he doesn't get what he wants or you ask him to do something (like his homework).  I have noticed in the last couple months when there are a lot of kids around and it gets really noisy and active, he gets sortof "overstimulated" and goes into one of these fits, and then he blames it on having a headache. I try to tell him he just needs to sit and relax quietly for a little while, well he doesn't wanna do that either.
                I have been doing a lot of research on ADD/ADHD lately and he doesn't fit either of those descriptions. (Just for the record, I do NOT believe in medicating kids, it would have to be a super extreme and maybe dangerous situation for me to ever agree to that.) He's not  having trouble in school, he's not  hyperactive, he just seems super sensitive. And after one  of those fits, it's like he feels guilty and a little while later he will ask "do you want me to do any chores? I cleaned my room while I was down there." Very frustrating, we have tried  a lot of different things and haven't found anything that works yet. Maybe it IS just his age, not sure. I worry about when he gets to middle school next year he's going to start falling behind.
            Well it took two hours to do a project that was really pretty simple, and then he was mad because he didn't have time to go outside (at 7:30 at night!), and this morning it seemed to be more of the same thing, mad because they were poking around and he didn't get in school in time to play on the playground for that 15 min before.  It's such a contrast from Jake. Jake will throw a hissy fit once in awhile, yeah, and he might cry a little (he is SO stubborn!) but give him a little time and he WILL do what you asked him to do, and then he will come hug you and say "Mom, I love you, I'm sorry".
               Probably didn't  help that I was SO tired from only sleeping about 3 hours the night before, this whole pregnancy thing is really starting to kick my ass. I'm tired and miserable and sick of people giving me that "I feel sorry for you" look, and I just want it to be over with so I can go back to feeling like a "normal" person!  Mabel must be having a growth spurt this week because I am so hungry but I don't actually have "room" to eat anything, and also when I lay on my side I can feel her move on both sides of my belly at once, and she wasn't big enough to do that before. (It's kindof wierd lol.) last night when I was awake at 4:30, after my bed was taken over by Jake and I was resigned to the couch, I swear she had the hiccups for like an hour, or else she was doing step aerobics on my bladder.
              Today Adam suddenly decided that -surprise!- he wanted a pot roast in the slow cooker for supper. What the heck, after all that whining about me and my slow cooker?! Well we went to the store, he picked out his own, and he "prepared" it, and even cleaned up the kitchen lol. How nice, at least I don't have to worry about dinner again tonight. He's pretty far out on the list today, so prolly won't go back to work maybe til tomorrow. Good thing, with this stupid snowstorm making everything sloppy, and up north they are supposed to get 18 INCHES, that's crazy.....       

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