It's funny how you can tell so much about what a kid's personality is going to be like from such a young age.
When Eric was little, he was constantly trying to take off the outlet covers and plug things in literally almost as soon as he could crawl. (Ugh- talk about freaking a mom out. When he was 3 or 4 he stuck a stinkin' screwdriver in an outlet in the garage and got quite a shock.) We have a picture of him when he was about 2 years old standing on the front steps with an electrical cord. 10 years later, he considers himself "in charge" of all the yearly decorations in the front yard for Halloween and Christmas. I can't imagine what the neighbors thinl- he moves the whole works around at least once a week. Last year for christmas he asked Santa for a 150 ft electrical cord. He stopped playing with toys a long, long time ago. He likes to "work", as in do yardwork, mow lawns, go help out at his grandpa's shop. This is great, but it's like having a 10 year old with the mind of a 40 yr old man.
Holly has always been demanding. I remember them bringing her down the hallway in the middle of the night at the hospital and i knew that one was "mine". She was the whiniest, loudest, clingiest baby you could ever imagine. She's still whiny :) And she's pretty shy until she knows other people. Then she's just loud.
Jake has picked everything green since he could point. Green food, green tshirts, green toys, etc and what do you know, green is his favorite color and crunchy green pea pods are his favorite food.
I am really curious to see what kind of a kid Alli is going to turn into. She is going to be six months old next week. (Six months, I cannot believe it! ) She's starting to get pretty darn antsy and wiggly. You put her on your lap and she rocks all over, pulls your hair, grabs at everything. She always has to be right in the middle of the action. Her favorite place is to sit in her bumbo chair on the counter, but then she's grabbing the bread out of the box and squishing it up, and knocking the kids stuff on the floor. She's fascinated by tinfoil and anything that "crunches", like paper. She's happy 90 % of the time, and then she's happy again if you feed her. (she is totally sitting on my lap right now trying to "type"). I think I might be on my way to having a hyperactive toddler on my hands, she is way more active than any of the other kids ever were!
We had a lot of fun learning how to geocache this week- what a cool idea! The kids now think that the whole world is one big "treasure hunt", we didn't even find anything spectacular yet, but there's some really interesting "caches" in our neighborhood we plan on hunting for soon. If you want to learn how to do it, you can head over to All you really need is a GPS and you need to like running around outside and digging in the dirt and under trees :)
I discovered a really cool way to help the kids practice their spelling words, and also our addresses and phone numbers. I tested them on the words, and the ones they didn't know we wrote on post-its and stuck to the kitchen wall. (along with the addresses and phone numbers, which will stay up there for awhile.) Every time they're at the kitchen table, i cover up the words one at a time and ask them to spell them. So far it's working really well. It was originally for Holly, but Jake is learning the same words :)
On the reorganization front, it seems like every time I solve one problem I find another one. (I think i am overanalyzing us too much lol.) Solved the problem of the collection of backpacks in the hallway by getting a bin that moves out of the closet on mondays and back in on friday afternoon. I got some hooks in the bathroom for the kids to hang up their towels (because they have a hard time getting them over those long racks), well Eric already broke his. Trying to get them to keep their shoes in the laundry room, and now instead of 10 pairs of shoes in the hallway, I have a pile of shoes at the bottom of the stairs (2 feet away from the laundry room- they're getting closer!) It's always one step forward, two steps back.....
Yup. They just spilled 300 crayons on the kitchen floor. Sigh.
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