That's GOMEs, not Gomez ha! A lovely nickname given to me by Adam once upon a time, and it sortof stuck. I could never think what to call him exactly, but right now when he calls my cellphone it says "Castle".
Fall is without a doubt my favorite time of year! The weather is perfect, not too hot not too cold. I love shuffling through the leaves with the kids, I even love raking them. We had the absolute most amazing time last weekend taking a late-season camping trip to Door County. (Mabel's 2nd camping trip and she is only five months old LOL.)The kids loved riding the ferry over to Washington Island, and we had tons of fun at the Apple Cider Festival. I think that is about the nicest weather we are going to see for awhile, so I'm glad we took advantage of it!
Lately I've come across a lot of creative ideas on what I like to call my list of "mom blogs"- really, I am just thrilled with the ideas you can get just by feeding off of other people. I want to do them all! I want to reorganize our whole life, and I don't just mean literally (but the house can use it as well, can't even imagine! I should seriously take before and after pictures if this big hairy plan works) I want to reorganize our finances, our schedules, our kids way of thinking and doing certain things, OUR way of doing certain things. And really, I'm not trying to say there's anything "wrong" with us. (There probably is tons :), it might have something to do with the fact that I am about to hit that dreaded birthday in a few months, (Oh sheesh is sad that I remember when Uncle Jesse turned 30 on Full house and I thought that was really old?!) or maybe that we just celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary, and since we've been muddling along this way for 10 years, I think its about time to do some things differently.
Or it just might be that for the last 3 months especially, I feel like I have been running around like the chicken who's still squawking after his head was cut off. It's so depressing when you end up spending three hours cleaning the kitchen and then by that time someone wants lunch, then by 2 o clock you have to think of whats for dinner, then by that time there's muddy footprints on the clean floor and dirty clothes in the bathroom. I always start thinking by two o clock with dinner because adam is sooooo picky. You can not ask him what he wants to eat, you have to tell him his "options", and you have to have more than one because inevitably he is not going to like one of them. This is the same when we try to go out to a restaurant. I am not picky. Take me somewhere with something chicken on the menu and I'm fine.
I've been doing a lot of reading on the FLYlady website also, and I definitely think I am going to start by making smaller goals at a time. I used to use an organizer all the time and I realized this week I havent written in it in two months. We have a wipe-off calendar on the side of the fridge that still has dates written in it from August. (Seriously, I wasnt kidding when I said I don't stop running. It's like being on a treadmill with a baby on your hip and three kids trying to ride piggy back while you carry a laundry basket.) The first two months of school I would take Alli with me to run "errands" and I would end up spending hours with her in and out of the car seat, and then I realized....she wasn't taking naps when we DID stay home!
Some things I am adding to my list to start with: (baby steps, right?)
limit the "running around" to 2 hours a day, home by 12:30 for Alli to take a decent nap in her crib
try using the sticky note system to remind the kids to do things and pick things up instead of a)getting exasperated, picking up after them myself, and yelling at them or threating the goodwill pile.
squeak out an hour a day for my "creative" stuff. I seriously miss my writing :(
put a notebook back in my purse so I can keep track of FOBs (flash of brilliance ha.), and TSFs (thrift store finds.) and all the stuff I need and dont need. write down my daily goals and check them off.
check off the last few things for winter before the "clothes" goal.
stop drinking mountain dew. totally.
figure out what to do about Adam's closet. (Theres prolly a door to Narnia in there behind all his clothes, i dont thinl Ive ever seen the back)
I want to go a year without buying my kids any clothes. This might seem crazy, but I think I can make it at least 8 months, saying 8 months because I know Holly is absolutely going to need summer clothes next spring. There's a few things I still need to get them for this winter (2 pairs of 6/7 snowpants, and eric and holly need boots.) but their closets are seriously overflowing, somehow I dont know how we even ended up with all this stuff, even Alli has enough clothes to last her until she is 4 years old. Okay....I do know how we ended up with all of it, I'm a total rummage sale Nazi! I went to one rummage sake this summer where a lady sold me all her leftover baby clothes for 10.00 and seriously the pile was 3 feet high, no exaggeration. The problem lies therein that the whole point of rummage sales is to save money, and when I go to one where t-shirts are 25cents, and I get 8 of them because damn who can resist a 25cent tshirt, right? Well Eric already has 40 million tshirts in his drawer and he doesnt really need 8 more. And Jake is another clothes case althogether because he will NOT wear anything he knows was Erics, he would be happy with wearing the same 5 shirts over and over again. We need to separate the "need" and the want, and I need to stay away from the kids clothing racks. (Yessss even when Once Upon a Child has that famous 1.00 clearance sale. I might shed a tear...)
By the way I have to figure out how to do all this without Adam actually "knowing" that Im trying to change stuff, because the other day I tried to tell him we need to do some things differently, and his grouchy, old man response was "bleepetybleep that bleep I'm not gonna change anything I do, there's nothing wrong with ME, it's the rest of you (me and the kids I think he meant) that are dysfunctional." Denial aint just a river in Egypt...
So hold me accountable, please. Gomes is on a mission.
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