Thursday, April 14, 2011

Time is ticking away...

Funny thing I saw on the news: some vandals hit a golf course in FDL. the wierd thing is they didn't break anything, spray paint, etc. They dug 200 HOLES in the green. It looks like the groundhog from Caddy Shack went crazy. Okay, not funny that they wrecked the golf course, but what you just wonder what the heck people are thinking. Boredom?!
         We found out yesterday that our old neighborhood got hit really bad by the storm on sunday. I would really like to drive out there and check out the damage, but I think it would be too depressing. There was an empty school attached to the church nearby our old house, and the entire school is destroyed.  We had this big dead oak tree in the back yard where an owl used to sit on the top branch in the summer and whoo-whoo away, I wonder if that tree came down. This storm really hit hard all over, I can't ever remember seeing so much damage around here. Every day when we drive to school, I see another house or two damaged that I didn't notice before. You can figure out exactly where the tornado came down, which was exactly the first house hit, and trace the path that it went through every street. They are cleaning up fast, though. One house had the garage totally ripped off, and today when I went by they already have walls up for a new one. Nice to see neighbors helping each other out. Menasha got hit pretty bad too, we noticed on the way to the dr this morning. In the older part of town there are a lot of really massive old trees, not like the newly planted ones in the subdivisions over by us, and those 60 foot trees are just snapped all over like matchsticks.
           Adam made supper tonight while I did the "thursday run" (eric shop, holly dance class, back to shop, baaaack to dance class etc. tiring...) I got to go in for the last five minutes and watch Holly go through her routine, she was so cute. When she knows you're watching she tends to watch YOU instead of watching what the teacher is doing, but she did really good. It used to be when I signed her up for that stuff she would kindof stand in the middle of all the other kids and watch while they screamed and giggled and jumped around, but she definitely is getting into things a little more. What I still cannot figure out is that she goes to school and she DOESNT TALK?! Even this far into the year, her teachers say how quiet she is, but literally as soon as she gets out that door at school and 10 feet down the path, she is talking your ear off about her day.  I am really really hoping the new school, with all her cousins and her daisy and dance class friends with help change that next year.  (Supper was fantastic, by the way. He really went all out, I was very impressed :)
              The doctor's appointment went well, and if Mabel doesn't decide to make an appearance, I will be induced by May 2nd-3rd ish, so thank god I can look at the calendar and breathe a sigh of relief- 18 days at most! I still think she is going to come out on her own. The nurse today pointed out that sunday is a full moon. We were kindof joking about all the women who go into labor when there's a full moon, but I googled it when we got home, and it does make sense- "change in barometric pressure".... hmmm.... well tomorrow wouldn't be so bad either- grandpa's birthday! We actually have a bunch of birthdays coming up in the family again, so I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up on someone's bday. Trying to be optimistic and concentrate on all the stuff I still have to do before she gets here,  instead of concentrating on wearing myself out trying to induce labor haha, but it's REALLY hard. And I get worried just looking at the calendar, all the "stuff" that's coming up in the next month that I have to keep track of. The kids have a million field trips and "someone come to school for reading, lunch, whatev, etc." days, and holly has dance rehearsals and a recital, 2 girlscout events...I get tired even thinking about it. There are big changes ahead in our house, I hope we are all brave enough to deal with them!
             We were in Culvers for lunch today and the family in front of us in line had 3 kids, 2 boys that looked not much older than 3 and 18 months, and a newborn in a carseat (he still had his hospital hat on:). They were so freakin cute, the parents trying to order food and keep track of the kids and the one little boy kept poking at the baby. It reminded me of when our three were all really little like that, hell I do not know HOW I ever managed to keep them all alive and in one piece lol. When Jake was born, Eric was 4, but Holly was only 13 months. She couldn't walk yet, I had to carry her on one arm and swing the carseat over the other arm and hope Eric wasn't far behind.  And I still took them everywhere. Compared to that, I think Mabel is going to be a piece of cake :)

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