Saturday, April 16, 2011

Rain rain go away....

The longest saturday EVER........gosh, I think I would have rather been in the hospital giving birth.
Well it rained all day today so the kids were stuck in the house, and they are NOT kids who do well being stuck inside all day.  I might have mentioned they don't really watch tv (sometimes you just wish they WOULD plop in front of the tube for an hour lol), with the rain there were no friends to play with, they couldn't go out and ride bikes, etc. and our Wii is broken.
 I  tried to keep them busy- (I should mention Adam doesn't do well stuck in the house all day either haha! I envied him leaving for work tonight.) this morning we made our  own play-doh, which the kids thought was really great. I didn't really have any non-stain food coloring to color it with, so it came out this really funny pale peach color that looks alarmingly the color of raw chicken, but they thought it was the best thing ever. They sat at the counter and ran their hotwheels and cookie cutters, rolling pins, etc, through it for a good two hours, and currently it has been brought back out after dinner. 
There were at least three temper tantrums in that two hours, mostly from Eric when he didn't get his way. They helped me make lemon cupcakes (haha the ones that are supposed to make you go into labor! Holly had a really fun time grating the lemon peels and then squeezing out the juice) we played and solved a Scooby Doo Mystery on the computer (well we solved it because I looked up the walk-thru and we cheated lol. Eric worked on it for an hour yesterday and we could NOT find this old man's false teeth.)
Then they tried to make their own monopoly game, which would have been really fun, but for some reason "taking turns" writing places in the squares was REALLY hard. ( I'll give you one guess which kid decided "I'm just gonna write in two at a time so we can get done faster"....) It still came out cute. They put all these placed from town on it, like grandpa's shop and the library, Butch's Pizza, the railroad yard, etc.
A few more temper tantrums and a certain 9 yr old who was mad because he wanted to go to grandma's and didn't get his way.  I really hope the neighbors couldn't here them. Even when they were happy, the noise level in here just kept escalating to ridiculous levels.  It is definitely time for summer and nice weather.
In between all this, I was alternating between trying to get the house clean and taking a break every five minutes because my back is annoyingly sore. With them stuck in the house, you can imagine how that went. You go into a different room to clean and when you come back there's a giant mess where you just got about depressing! I was ready to throw my own temper tantrum. Definitely I am out of steam, and I think they are finally getting that mom really doesn't feel up to doing much.
 Jake must've told me he loves me 100 times today and then lately he likes to come up when I'm laying down and pat my belly really gently, like he's petting a kitten or something.  He is a very affectionate kid, especially when the other two are being naughty, he will say "Mom, I realllly love you." and then once in awhile he will add at the end "because I am the GOOD kid". Okay, you know as parents you do NOT play favorites, but when one kid is yelling "I hate you, you're the worst mother ever!" and the next one is saying "I don't hate you mom, I love you a LOT", sheesh that makes it hard lol!
 Eric tried to redeem himself for the earlier bad behavior tonight by cooking the spaghetti for supper, which was fine but he likes to use a million pots and pans and all the "good" plates so I will be doing dishes for the fourth time today shortly.  I think Holly might have been the worst today, god she was so loud and SO whiny- "Can't we go somewhere fun? Why do we ALWAYS have to CLEAN? cleaning is NOT FUN!" haha, I kindof got a kick out of that, because I was too tired to even argue with them about cleaning their rooms today, i was more worried about the rest of the house. and by suppertime the kitchen was a bonafide disaster again anyway.  (how do other people do it? really?!) We'll save the room battle for tomorrow...
               We have this one plate that when we all eat supper together is always Adam's, it's a giant ceramic plate with a buck on it. I think the kids bought it for him as a present once (it was like a dollar at Gordmans lol.) well now when dad is gone they always argue over who gets to eat off his deer plate. It totally reminds me of when I was a kid, because in our house we had those 4 classic square tupperware plates and the matching plastic cups. I have no idea why but me, brian, and kevin ALWAYS fought over who got the dumb gray plate! It wasn't even great, it had a big burned plastic mark on it. I think I have that plate put away in my "forever" stuff somewhere....the silly stuff you fight over with your siblings when you're a kid!
Even though my kids swear they hate each other sometimes and our house is total chaos, I think when they get older they will be glad they have each other. (And hey that's more people to take care of me when I'm old :p) Four is a good, even number. We can hang the "full house" sign on the door now.Well, as soon as Mabel actually decides to make an appearance! Adam says he has given up. he says he's just gonna count on it being May 2nd and quit getting his hopes up on an early vacation lol. I personally am banking on this full moon thing for tomorrow night. Got her room ready, got the bags packed, time to go little girl!
          Funny story from Jake: he was standing by the back door looking out because we said it was snowing outside and all of a sudden he goes "Well, what in the hell is going on out there?" Oh lord, you know you shouldn't laugh because he'll say it again, but you can't help it. When he was about three, we went past a Kentucky Fried Chicken and he pointed and totally innocently said "Look mom, there's Fuckin Fried Chicken". I almost peed my pants laughing so hard, and since my kids never forget anything, he still thinks that it's funny to sneak that naughty word in when we go past a KFC.  Always the comic relief.....

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