Ah yes now I remember all the things I dislike about being here with the kids myself all week.
A)adult conversation, even adult arguments lol
B) cooking and eating "grownup" food. I swear I fully intend to teach these kids to eat fish and shrimp by the end of the summer. You can't be a son or daughter of Adam Geurden and not eat fish.
C)worry about dumb tiny things like cutting the lawn, (thank you newfound lawn-mowing 10 yr old son), making sure the garage is closed at night, making sure the ac bucket doesn't overflow on the damn floor, etc. and no one else to catch that stuff if I miss it. (eric prolly would though lol)
D) worrying about other things silently because I don't want to make HIM worry................feeling guilty really because why should I be miserable- he is the one gone from his family 4-5 days at a time. I guess we got spoiled having him around the last 2 months....
We really did have a nice couple days, on thursday went to visit some friends in Oshkosh so we did the annual "riding of the mini train" for the year at the park, went on a nice long stroll through the woods and came home tired enough to all sleep in til 10 the next morning :) saturday we went to stay at my parents for the night, I went out with a friend to see a movie for a few hours, and then my parents got up with the baby so I got to sleep for 6 1/2 hours STRAIGHT?! wow that was amazing, and greatly appreciated. I haven't gotten to sleep that long at a time I think in at least four months. The kids really had a blast running around outside with my brother. Holly came home and told the neighbors she went on a go kart that went 100 mph lol. they climbed trees and ran through the mud and eric was "working" on something in the shop with his uncle and came in full of grease, they were in dirt heaven :) We were home for five minutes and there came that goddamn creepy ice cream man. I was really proud of holly and jake though, they didn't even ask, didn't throw a hissy fit. Just went in and got themselves some fudge pops out of the freezer :)
Today after spending the morning hauling rummage sale junk, we went to the beach for the first time this year and the kids had a blast running around with their friends, we came home and cooked a nice supper (eric had a shitfit because I made asian bbq chicken and used boneless thighs- he said they were slimy. really?! ) went for a walk before dark and then off they went to bed which means I should do some excersizing but yeah the hard part seems to be by the time everyone is asleep and I sit down for five minutes I'm too tired to even move, nevertheless get some situps in before Alli wakes up again at 11ish.... and also I'm now one of those lucky people with back problems result of that epidural- blessing and a curse, right?! (I still wouldn't have gone without it though!)
On a humorous note, I' ve been trying to drill in the fact to the kids that if your laundry doesnt hit the chute or the pile in front of the washer, you're going to be doing your own wash, too bad so sad,right? Welll.... I guess Jake took matters into his own hands, cuz he went over to gramma's house not wearing any underwear LOL. guess he couldn't find any when he got dressed in the morning so he went commando. How about putting the ones on the floor in the wash, kid?! Sigh. I will keep trying.

Monday, June 13, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
tropical heat wave.....
What a hot and muggy day. We all complain about winter, wait for spring, and then hide in the air conditioning as soon as summer hits:) So glad my kids love to be outside! They actually all threw hissy fits last night because we made them come in the house at 7 when we were leaving to go out. In the summer they will be outside from morning til 9 or 10 at night, or whenever darkness falls. I love that they are so creative and resourceful. Eric collected scrap metal the other day and turned it in for 65.00. Instead of some dumb toy, he bought himself a nice little garden barrel fountain :) He seems so grown up all of a sudden, riding his bike around town, friends calling on the phone, now I made him a facebook account and email so he can talk to our family and his friends, he loves that. And Adam let him start mowing the lawn this week (which he's being watched of course.) well he's been pretty careful, but today a rock flew out and cracked adam's truck windshield. Couldn't be made cuz you could tell he felt bad, but damn that truck was totally smashed last year when Adam hit the deer, so we had to have it rebuilt and it's only got liability now. That's going to be ouchie on the wallet :(
I also love that they are already sleeping in every day on summer vacation (usually it takes until about July!) and that they are independent. They can get up, make their own breakfast, pick out their own clothes, etc while I'm taking care of the baby. I must be doing something right!
Today Holly, Alli, and I had a "girls afternoon" while the boys went with dad to drop off the scrap metal. It was really fun, we went to Babies R Us and "accessorized" Alli with new hats, shoes, and hairbands and then had fun dressing her up when we got home and taking pictures. Holly bought herself some new sandals with the 2.00 she got for cleaning her room.
We have so many things planned for this weekend, I can't wait to take them to the beach for the first time this year, and a new waterpark we haven't been to also. I bought Alli her first swimming suit, it is so freakin cute! And we are also going to Menominee Park to ride the little train cuz we always do that at least once in the summer. Next week we are doing some things at the nature center, and who knows what else. I feel like I hafta keep them really busy, especially for these first couple weeks, cuz thursday dad goes back to work.It's been a really long time since we had him around so much, and it's going to be hard to get used to him not being here all the time again.
Last night we had a "date night" for the first time in a long time. Really it was just a few drinks and bar food but it was soooo unbelievably nice to get out for once. I haven't really gone anywhere without the baby except that one wedding since she was born. I really needed the "recharging" time and adult conversation (okay yah the booze did not hurt either!) and I am so grateful for my friend who came at the last minute to stay with the kids (even though Holly was a pain in the ass.). I like to think of myself somewhere in the middle- I know there are moms who have kids that are 4-5 years old and they will say "I've never left my kid for more than 2 hours, they've never even stayed overnight anywhere", and on the other hand, there's moms who it seems like are dumping their kids off all weekend every single weekend to hang out with friends and get plastered. I don't know how you find that middle sometimes- I always leave feeling guilty- like guilty that I inconvenienced someone else by having to take care of them (cuz it's MY job), even though I take THEM to do fun stuff all the time. If I get one night a month to myself, I could be happy with that. Something to work on....
I also love that they are already sleeping in every day on summer vacation (usually it takes until about July!) and that they are independent. They can get up, make their own breakfast, pick out their own clothes, etc while I'm taking care of the baby. I must be doing something right!
Today Holly, Alli, and I had a "girls afternoon" while the boys went with dad to drop off the scrap metal. It was really fun, we went to Babies R Us and "accessorized" Alli with new hats, shoes, and hairbands and then had fun dressing her up when we got home and taking pictures. Holly bought herself some new sandals with the 2.00 she got for cleaning her room.
We have so many things planned for this weekend, I can't wait to take them to the beach for the first time this year, and a new waterpark we haven't been to also. I bought Alli her first swimming suit, it is so freakin cute! And we are also going to Menominee Park to ride the little train cuz we always do that at least once in the summer. Next week we are doing some things at the nature center, and who knows what else. I feel like I hafta keep them really busy, especially for these first couple weeks, cuz thursday dad goes back to work.It's been a really long time since we had him around so much, and it's going to be hard to get used to him not being here all the time again.
Last night we had a "date night" for the first time in a long time. Really it was just a few drinks and bar food but it was soooo unbelievably nice to get out for once. I haven't really gone anywhere without the baby except that one wedding since she was born. I really needed the "recharging" time and adult conversation (okay yah the booze did not hurt either!) and I am so grateful for my friend who came at the last minute to stay with the kids (even though Holly was a pain in the ass.). I like to think of myself somewhere in the middle- I know there are moms who have kids that are 4-5 years old and they will say "I've never left my kid for more than 2 hours, they've never even stayed overnight anywhere", and on the other hand, there's moms who it seems like are dumping their kids off all weekend every single weekend to hang out with friends and get plastered. I don't know how you find that middle sometimes- I always leave feeling guilty- like guilty that I inconvenienced someone else by having to take care of them (cuz it's MY job), even though I take THEM to do fun stuff all the time. If I get one night a month to myself, I could be happy with that. Something to work on....
Monday, June 6, 2011
Summer you have arrived!
Gosh I have not posted in awhile- stuff gets busy and time gets away from you....Suddenly Alli is a month old already, i want her to stop growing so fast! She is a genuine eating puking pooping machine, loves to sit in the stroller in the backyard and listen to all the sounds around her. She is really attentive to the birds chirping :) She always wakes up in time for Letterman and sleeps til the end of Craig Ferguson. And yesterday I bought her her first swimming suit :)
Two of the kids are done with school since the middle of last week already, poor Jake he's still got a few days left. (Yeah try reasoning that one with him- brother and sister get to stay home but you gotta go lol) . I was a little melancholy to watch them walk down their sidewalks for the last time- it was my goal especially for eric to keep him in his school with his friends and the people he knew for as long as possible no matter where we moved (we have moved too many times in the last couple years. staying put for awhile!) so i have done lots of kid-hauling. but i think it was worth it. Some of my best friends are people that i went to school with as far back as kindergarten. I always find myself looking at the little friends the kids have now and wondering who they're still going to be friends with 20 years from now. Having tons of friends was never as important to me as having a few good ones who you knew would be there. And the good ones are still around :)
I took them all to the zoo in GB last weekend- kindof the first all day "outing" with Alli, and it went much smoother than I expected. I found these formula "to go" packs at Target, and they are a LIFESAVER. Why did they not have these when I had 3 other babies? Just bring the bottles with water and dump and shake- so unbelievably much easier than worrying about keeping bottles cold, then worrying about warming them up again wherever you are...Another thing that's a lifesaver, that I cannot say thanks enough, all the people who sent their formula coupons and free cans our way. Anyone having a baby I would 100 percent recommend getting on the Similac and Enfamil mailing lists, cuz the first thing Similac does is sent you a free giant sized can, which I looked at the price is 21.00 at Target, and 50.00 in coupons. I have made 2 Target formula runs so far and bought over 65.00 worth of formula each time and I paid about 15.00 total.
We have also been out on the rummage sale circuit, made a trip to B-town to see family, made a few trips to the park (yikes we are terrible kite flyers. have to work on that!) and Alli "participated" in a 5k walk haha. (Okay, she was pushed lol. lots of people had cute dogs but we had the cutest baby!) We have been busy. i made a "bored box" for the kids so I can pull it out this summer and let them pick some fun things to do (there's a regular side and a rainy day side) because I feel kindof bad- I didnt sign them up for ANY summer activities, all the registration deadlines for the rec department were the week before and after Alli was born, and I totally forgot, and now there is a stupid 20.00 late fee for everything, so i guess we will be finding lots of alternative activities...
For myself I am trying to implement a new "goal plan" this summer and break it down into one week increments. It seems like it would be easier that way instead of saying "I'm gonna do etc etc etc" all this stuff listed and getting overwhelmed. I've been following this blog lately at moneysavingmom.com and I really like her blog because it isnt just about coupons, she has really good articles about do-it-yourself projects, getting good travel deals, and one of my favorites is the "we paid in cash" one. (although really, I think the lady who wrote about paying cash for a crockpot looked kindof silly next to the one who paid cash for a new suburban LOL). It gives you a lot of neat ideas of stuff to try in your own life and household.
My goals for this week are:
One do it yourself kitchen/cooking project that I haven't tried.
reorganize the truck. (first aid kit, repack emergency back with extra clothes, remove sleeping bags still there for winter emergencies lol.)
30 minutes of some form of excersize every day.
It's a start :) Looking forward to a great summer!
Two of the kids are done with school since the middle of last week already, poor Jake he's still got a few days left. (Yeah try reasoning that one with him- brother and sister get to stay home but you gotta go lol) . I was a little melancholy to watch them walk down their sidewalks for the last time- it was my goal especially for eric to keep him in his school with his friends and the people he knew for as long as possible no matter where we moved (we have moved too many times in the last couple years. staying put for awhile!) so i have done lots of kid-hauling. but i think it was worth it. Some of my best friends are people that i went to school with as far back as kindergarten. I always find myself looking at the little friends the kids have now and wondering who they're still going to be friends with 20 years from now. Having tons of friends was never as important to me as having a few good ones who you knew would be there. And the good ones are still around :)
I took them all to the zoo in GB last weekend- kindof the first all day "outing" with Alli, and it went much smoother than I expected. I found these formula "to go" packs at Target, and they are a LIFESAVER. Why did they not have these when I had 3 other babies? Just bring the bottles with water and dump and shake- so unbelievably much easier than worrying about keeping bottles cold, then worrying about warming them up again wherever you are...Another thing that's a lifesaver, that I cannot say thanks enough, all the people who sent their formula coupons and free cans our way. Anyone having a baby I would 100 percent recommend getting on the Similac and Enfamil mailing lists, cuz the first thing Similac does is sent you a free giant sized can, which I looked at the price is 21.00 at Target, and 50.00 in coupons. I have made 2 Target formula runs so far and bought over 65.00 worth of formula each time and I paid about 15.00 total.
We have also been out on the rummage sale circuit, made a trip to B-town to see family, made a few trips to the park (yikes we are terrible kite flyers. have to work on that!) and Alli "participated" in a 5k walk haha. (Okay, she was pushed lol. lots of people had cute dogs but we had the cutest baby!) We have been busy. i made a "bored box" for the kids so I can pull it out this summer and let them pick some fun things to do (there's a regular side and a rainy day side) because I feel kindof bad- I didnt sign them up for ANY summer activities, all the registration deadlines for the rec department were the week before and after Alli was born, and I totally forgot, and now there is a stupid 20.00 late fee for everything, so i guess we will be finding lots of alternative activities...
For myself I am trying to implement a new "goal plan" this summer and break it down into one week increments. It seems like it would be easier that way instead of saying "I'm gonna do etc etc etc" all this stuff listed and getting overwhelmed. I've been following this blog lately at moneysavingmom.com and I really like her blog because it isnt just about coupons, she has really good articles about do-it-yourself projects, getting good travel deals, and one of my favorites is the "we paid in cash" one. (although really, I think the lady who wrote about paying cash for a crockpot looked kindof silly next to the one who paid cash for a new suburban LOL). It gives you a lot of neat ideas of stuff to try in your own life and household.
My goals for this week are:
One do it yourself kitchen/cooking project that I haven't tried.
reorganize the truck. (first aid kit, repack emergency back with extra clothes, remove sleeping bags still there for winter emergencies lol.)
30 minutes of some form of excersize every day.
It's a start :) Looking forward to a great summer!
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